Ranking Every Mainline FIFA Cover (From a non-Football Fan’s Perspective)

3: FIFA 2003

Here we go, the top three. These are all fantastic covers that could be rearranged in any order to be honest, but for the sake of this list I had to make a choice. Coming in third is FIFA 03, which gives off real hardcore rap album vibes, which I really like. The man on the right has an amazingly stylish pair of sunglasses that I’m insanely jealous of, and their powerful arm-crossed poses intimidate me, like they’re judging me before I even play the game. Just a powerful image.

2: FIFA 18

As a huge Dragon Ball fan it’s always nice to see it referenced in other franchises, and FIFA is no exception. Ronaldo’s powering up to fight someone, and I can’t wait to see it. The aura isn’t yet visible, but you can just tell that it sparked into life the exact frame after this still was snapped. The battle that’s about to unfold is sure to be one for the ages, a cataclysmic clash between super-powered rivals that would shake the planet to its core. I can feel the dominance emanating from the image.

1: FIFA 06

Taking the top spot in the ranking is FIFA 06, which is just amazing to witness. Yes, I complained about the overabundance of screaming Rooney earlier on in the list, but here I think it’s actually fitting because I’m a sucker for an atmospheric rain shot. The two guys roar as they bathe in the sweat, rainwater, and the high contrast illumination behind them: a wonderful, homoerotic result both teams can be proud of. It’s a striking, vibrant cover with a great dose of exciting energy that almost makes me care about football.

So that was my definitive ranking of every FIFA cover from worst to best. Are you a hardcore footie fan who feels scorned by the blatant ignorance towards players, or do you agree with my picks?

Sean Hollyman is an avid fan of action figures, videogames and sometimes other things too. When he's not labourously trying to earn platinum trophies for games that he otherwise probably wouldn't care about, Sean can often be found taking photos of his Transformers in embarrassing situations.

Favorite Food: Roast Dinner
Least Favorite Food: ANYTHING with mayonnaise in it

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Sean Hollyman is an avid fan of action figures, videogames and sometimes other things too. When he's not labourously trying to earn platinum trophies for games that he otherwise probably wouldn't care about, Sean can often be found taking photos of his Transformers in embarrassing situations. Favorite Food: Roast Dinner Least Favorite Food: ANYTHING with mayonnaise in it

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