Ranking Every Mainline FIFA Cover (From a non-Football Fan’s Perspective)

14: FIFA 07

I’m getting a bit sick of screaming Rooney now. Still, at least the composition of this cover makes it seem like a dramatic Hollywood movie, and the players here are the two leads. I like to think it’s a really dramatic love story between the two, a hidden romance that must be kept hidden away from the world lest disaster befall them both. Wayne’s shout is clearly a cry of happiness whilst the other guy (my sincerest apologies to Ronaldinho and the country of Brazil— Dave) seems to be a bit more serious, or even shocked. Perhaps this portrays the two halves of the story, one being a cheerful heartfelt tale and the other being a sombre tale of loss. Very dramatic.

13: FIFA 96

Now we’re getting into the covers that I actually quite like. There’s a lot of action going on in this cover, with the guy in blue absolutely demolishing the guy in white with a devastating strike that sends him flying. I did not know that football could be so action-packed, but seeing this cover makes me invested and wanting to see more. Some people watch martial arts movies for their action fix, others prefer gun-heavy shootout scenes. Me? I get what I need from FIFA 96.

12: FIFA 99

I adore this one simply because the guy looks like he’s about to fall over, and his expression is a thing of beauty. He seems completely unfazed by the fact that he’s about to land on his butt, a potentially devastating injury is nothing more than a minor annoyance. I respect his grit. Well done to that man.

11: FIFA 13

Messi bows out of the ranking, just missing out on the top 10. I appreciate how happy he looks, possibly overjoyed at overcoming the adversity he faced earlier on in the list. Whenever I’m feeling down, I can just look at this cover and feel happy. When Messi smiles, I smile too.

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Sean Hollyman is an avid fan of action figures, videogames and sometimes other things too. When he's not labourously trying to earn platinum trophies for games that he otherwise probably wouldn't care about, Sean can often be found taking photos of his Transformers in embarrassing situations. Favorite Food: Roast Dinner Least Favorite Food: ANYTHING with mayonnaise in it

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