Mystery Gift Events
It’s undeniable that the fourth generation had some stellar events, from Oak’s letter leading to Shaymin, to the secret key unlocking Rotom’s potential, but there’s no reason at all that these need to be re-released slowly through the mystery gift function the second time around. Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire introduced us to the Delta Episode that allowed us to fight and capture Deoxys without the need to download an event and the Virtual Console version of Crystal gave us the GS ball too so these events should definitely be optional post-game side quests rather than limited-time events like in the past. I am doubtful we’ll see the Azure Flute implemented in the game, due to the imminent release of Legends, but we will see!

Secret Bases and the Underground
Back when Diamond and Pearl released, the ability to go to the underground and play with other trainers and steal flags from each other’s secret bases was novel and exciting. However, in the modern world, especially in the past year, meeting up with other players in person is not as widespread as it used to be. The implementation of online underground sessions with friends and expanding the secret bases so they can be more personalised and varied would make the underground a much more exciting place to spend time. I already wasted a lot of time down there digging and customising my base so an extra layer of customisation akin to Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire would be greatly appreciated.

Quality of Life improvements
Say what you want about Sword and Shield and the whole ‘Dexit’ and ‘tree’ debacle but it is the most approachable, streamlined and easy to pick up and play experience Game Freak has ever created. Ignoring all the competitive improvements, having all your items easily organised and sortable as well as the ease with which you can trade and battle wherever you happen to be are great additions, the Y-Comm does need work but it gets the job done for interacting with friends and raiding with no hassle. The most controversial addition is the new experience share, as a working adult who doesn’t want to spend hours killing the same 5 monsters over and over again, not being forced to grind much and just play casually through the game at my own pace is a godsend but maybe bring back the toggle to appease those upset by the change please Game Freak?

These are just some of the additions that could be made to the already solid Diamond and Pearl games, but even more additions could be made that would make these games truly stand out, even if they are unlikely. I made an article last year that outlined my dreams for the ultimate Pokemon game using legacy features if you’d like some more Pokemon reading! What features would you like to see added to Diamond and Pearl and what are your hopes for the remakes? I’d love to know!
Video game completionist and 3D platformer connoisseur, Riley is a fan of the whimsical frenzy of bright and colourful characters that blessed us in the late 90's. Their favourite game's are Spyro, Persona 5 and Super Mario Sunshine.